banking service chronicle

banking service chronicle
banking service chronicle

Sunday 20 November 2022

general knowledge


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general current affairs


arihant current affairs magazine Expanding communitybased services such as home visiting.  Promoting low skilled jobs It will create employment opportunities in agriculture and manufacturing.arihant current affairs magazine monthly  In the past similar strategy was adopted by Japan and China also.  Adequate regulation of Gig economy to ensure these workforce have social security insurance or medical facilities and job certainty arihant monthly current affairs magazine subscription.

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 knowledge questions magazine in english Increased fiscal space allowing for a reallocation of funds from spending on children to infrastructure investment.  The savings rate increase as the workingage is also the optimal time for saving. Way ahead to reap the benefits of demographic dividend  Investments in human capital knowledge quest magazine subscription Evidence suggests that the average return rate for an additional year of schooling contributes to a 10% increase in income per individual. o Curriculum planning and competency mapping relevant to employability. o Increasing corporate investment in employee education and training knowledge quest magazine subscription details.

Friday 18 November 2022

Telugu Magazine


shine india monthly magazine subscription Strategic partnership CSP is based on mutual understanding trust common interests shared values of democracy and rule of law and reflects strong commitment of both countries to address challenges like COVID19. shine india monthly magazine Multilateral engagement Australia supports India’s candidature in UN Security Council. Both countries are members of Quad G20 IORARC ASEAN Regional Forum Asia Pacific Partnership on Climate and Clean Development. o In 2021 both countries along with Japan have launched Supply Chain Resilience Initiative (SCRI) for sustainable balanced and inclusive growth in the region shine india monthly magazine telugu.

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meri saheli magazine subscription Maitri Scholars Program Announced by Australian Foreign Minister to provide over USD 11 million for four years to support Indian students to study in Australia's worldleading universities. Significance of IndiaAustralia relations Trade Australia is 17th largest trading partner of India while India is Australia's 9th largest partner. meri saheli magazine yearly subscription Minerals and Agriculture India has committed to invest $6 million jointly with Australian government as it explores lithium and cobalt mines in Australia. The move helps India to secure supplies of key minerals for its electric vehicle plans. o India  Australia Grains Partnership announced in 2021 to use Australia’s expertise in postharvest management to strengthen rural grain storage and supply chains so as to reduce losses and wastage.meri saheli magazine price

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banking service chronicle Economic Cooperation and Trade Agreement (ECTA) It was signed recently and is first free trade agreement (FTA) of India with a developed country after more than a decade.banking service chronicle magazine It will boost bilateral trade in goods and services to $4550 billion over five years up from around $27 billion and generate over one million jobs in India. SAIEP (Study Australia Industry Immersion Program) Launched by Australian Trade and Investment Commission for current Indian students at Australian universities to enhance their employability banking service chronicle magazine subscription.

Tuesday 15 November 2022

magazine for current affairs


drishti current affairs magazine subscription Countering Chinas military rise India has strengthened its cooperation with US Japan Australia for the Quadrilateral Security Dialogue (Quad) to counter Chinas rise in the region. drishti current affairs magazine buy online Why Indias stance on BRI projects matters to China?  India as an immediate neighbour and an important player in the region remains very relevant to Chinese neighbourhood policy drishti current affairs magazine english.

Medical students magazine


junior science refresher magazine Possible security implications That parts of the road built within the project can potentially act as a transit point for Islamic insurgents such as the East Turkestan Islamic Movement (ETIM). Indias overall approach to Chinas BRI junior science refresher magazine subscription Active cooperation with its other international partners to reap the economic benefits of regional connectivity and yet maintain its strategic dominance distinct from China. o For example with AsiaAfrica Growth Corridor (AAGC) India and Japan offers a benevolent and rules based alternative to the BRI 

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competition refresher magazine subscription CPEC is unilaterally devised by China and passes through parts of the Union Territories of Jammu & Kashmir and Ladakh which are under illegal occupation of Pakistan.  Perception regarding Chinas motives of strategically encircling India Experts believe that the CPEC will evolve China Pakistan strategic cooperation into a bilateral military alliance against India. competition refresher magazine Apprehensions about lack of transparency and financial viability There is also the apprehension that inability to repay loans will pave the way for Chinese intrusion in the internal affairs of defaulting countries particularly in light of recent Sri Lankan crisis competition refresher magazine pdf.

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meri saheli magazine subscription Ensure quality There is need for a separate mechanism beyond the Model Tenancy Act that ensures the provision of safe and good quality rental units for tenants while ensuring a fair economic return for homeowners. meri saheli magazine yearly subscription Uniformity Bringing within its ambit the state laws to bring uniformity in the market and keep a check on rising rental prices.  Cooperative federalism Land and provision of housing being state subjects there is need to foster cooperative federalism and bring in all the stakeholders i.e. tenants owner and state togetherpolity document Article 26 provides for RTE to every citizen is printed instead of Article 21A provides for RTE to every citizen. The error is regretted.meri saheli magazine price

Banking and insurance magazine


banking service chronicle failure to pay rent for more than two months o occupation of part or whole of premises without written consent and o misuse of premises despite a written notice. 14 Way forward  Balance approach To truly openup the rental market as an evolved one it is imperative for the Government to formulate a way to balance social welfare of tenants and the economic interests of landlords. banking service chronicle magazine Private participation Engaging private sectors into affordable renting housing through models like Build to Rent and Rent to Own banking service chronicle magazine subscription.

Monday 7 November 2022

magazine for all competitive exams


Published article shine india monthly magazine subscription Authorised persons to take measurements: The Rules specify that an authorised user, or any person skilled in taking the measurements, or a registered medical practitioner, or any person authorised in this behalf may take such measurements. o Rule-making power to National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB): NCRB under MHA will direct states on how to collect and store the information. shine india monthly magazine Punishment: Any act of unauthorised access, distribution or sharing of data collected under the Act shall be punishable as per the provisions of the Indian Penal Code, 1860 and the Information Technology Act, 2000. About the Criminal Procedure (Identification) Act (CPA), 2022 shine india monthly magazine telugu

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Published article 2022 meri saheli magazine subscription  Rules specify the details for CPA in order to lay down the procedure for taking measurements of convicts and other persons for the purposes of identification and investigation in criminal matters and to preserve records.Key features of the rules o Taking Measurements:meri saheli magazine yearly subscription  The Rules specify that for certain persons measurements will not be taken unless they have been charged or arrested in connection with any other offence meri saheli magazine price.


Sunday 6 November 2022

telugu magazine for competitive exams


shine india monthly magazine subscription 
Unique registration number Each mediator should be given a unique registration number by Mediation Council and provisions should be made to empower Mediation Council to continuously evaluate the mediator by holding training sessions periodically.shine india monthly magazine   Nodal authority Instead of multiple bodies registering mediators proposed Mediation Council of India should be made the nodal authority for registration and accreditation of mediators shine india monthly magazine telugu

Friday 4 November 2022

magazine for civil services exams


pratiyogita kiran monthly magazine 
published Article There is problem of ghost beneficiaries as well. Between 1999 and 2012 leakages of food grains rose from 9% in 1999 2000 to 36% in 201112. The leakage of wheat (63%) leakage is much higher than rice (47%). pratiyogita kiran monthly magazine online purchase 5. Late and irregular arrival of grains in fair price shop Lack of awareness among poor households about the exact arrival of grains at the Fair Price Shops creates the problem of physical and economic access. 6. No variation in purchase across expenditure groups A successful targeting is said when there is continuous decrease in quantity purchased from PDS with increase in income pratiyogita kiran monthly magazine subscription


Thursday 3 November 2022

magazine of current happening


csr gktoday 
Itll covers premises let out for residential commercial or educational use but not for industrial use. It also wont cover hotels lodging houses inns etc. csr gktoday magazine subscription Tenancy agreement  All premises (residential or commercial) shall be rented only after a written agreement on mutually agreed terms and informed to proposed Rent Authority within two months from date of tenancy agreement. Tenancy period  Tenant may request the landlord for renewal or extension of tenancy period best current affairs magazines.