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Sunday 20 November 2022

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Friday 18 November 2022

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Tuesday 15 November 2022

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Monday 7 November 2022

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Sunday 6 November 2022

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Unique registration number Each mediator should be given a unique registration number by Mediation Council and provisions should be made to empower Mediation Council to continuously evaluate the mediator by holding training sessions periodically.shine india monthly magazine   Nodal authority Instead of multiple bodies registering mediators proposed Mediation Council of India should be made the nodal authority for registration and accreditation of mediators shine india monthly magazine telugu

Friday 4 November 2022

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published Article There is problem of ghost beneficiaries as well. Between 1999 and 2012 leakages of food grains rose from 9% in 1999 2000 to 36% in 201112. The leakage of wheat (63%) leakage is much higher than rice (47%). pratiyogita kiran monthly magazine online purchase 5. Late and irregular arrival of grains in fair price shop Lack of awareness among poor households about the exact arrival of grains at the Fair Price Shops creates the problem of physical and economic access. 6. No variation in purchase across expenditure groups A successful targeting is said when there is continuous decrease in quantity purchased from PDS with increase in income pratiyogita kiran monthly magazine subscription


Thursday 3 November 2022

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Itll covers premises let out for residential commercial or educational use but not for industrial use. It also wont cover hotels lodging houses inns etc. csr gktoday magazine subscription Tenancy agreement  All premises (residential or commercial) shall be rented only after a written agreement on mutually agreed terms and informed to proposed Rent Authority within two months from date of tenancy agreement. Tenancy period  Tenant may request the landlord for renewal or extension of tenancy period best current affairs magazines.

Monday 31 October 2022

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Sunday 30 October 2022

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Friday 28 October 2022

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Some food is also wasted on the shelves and in the warehouses of food businesses either due to excess production introduction of new products labeling errors or due to shorter remaining shelf life. sarita magazine online During the lockdown period in India rice mills are closed in Andhra Pradesh and Chhattisgarh. So are other processing units buy sarita magazine online


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The numbers are going up daily in the state which has 25445 PDS dealers for 2.63 crore families. Bihar too received several complaints of dealers griha laxmi magazine subscription online  shortchanging PDS beneficiaries. The public procurement system is weak in Bihar and eastern Uttar Pradesh regarding rural biasedness in schemes xiv hindi magazine online purchase .

Tuesday 25 October 2022

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MAJOR FINDINGSThe Annual Status of Education Report (ASER) 2014 says only an average 48.1 per cent of Class V children across India can read a Class IIlevel text.While this is an improvement from the 47 per cent in 2013 the percentage shot up to 46.9 from 31.9 in Tamil Nadu.Across the country the ability of class V children to divide a three digit number by a single digit has fallen from 36.2 per cent in 2010 to 26.1 per cent in 2014.knowledge quest magazine subscription Learning outcomes have stagnated in reading and arithmetic since 2013.Close to universal enrolment in the 614 age group for six consecutive years. ANALYSISNobel laureate AmartyaSens caution regarding the insecurity that people face over a lifetime due to the deprivation of basic education knowledge quest magazine subscription details


Tuesday 18 October 2022

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csr gktoday Concerns over financing and transparency Nepalese government has three main concerns with China. o Nepal prefers grants and soft loans from China instead of commercial loans. o Nepal wants the interest rate and repayment time should be in line with that of multilateral funding agencies like the World Bank and Asian Development Bank. csr gktoday magazine subscription BRI projects should be open for competitive biddings.Apprehensions over Chinas debt trap diplomacy Sri Lankas financial crisis has become a pretext for Nepali officials wanting to slow down Chinese financing. 28  o The proposed Himalayan Quad is the culmination of a Chinese policy initiative for a geostrategic counter against the encirclement policy of the IndoPacific Strategy best current affairs magazines.

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Thursday 13 October 2022

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 shine india monthly magazine subscription Although they are social animals, they are usually solitary or found in pairs due to the inability of seagrass beds to support large populations. They are shy and donot approach humans. As with all other marine mammals, Dugongs must surface to breathe. These are semi-nomadic, often traveling long distances in search of food, shine india monthly magazine but staying within a certain range of their entire life. o It is thought that these movements are caused by changes in seagrass availability. Significance of conservation reserve Conservation of marine species: The rich marine diversity of the Gulf of Mannar would completely come under the protection in the conservation reserve. The Gulf of Mannar and Palk Bay are habitats for a wide range of marine fauna, including rare fishes, sea turtles, seahorses, and sea cucumbers shine india monthly magazine telugu

Wednesday 12 October 2022

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If central or state government is a party it will apply to commercial disputes and other disputes as notified. Mediation process  Mediation proceedings will be confidential and must be completed within 180 days (may be extended by 180 days by parties).pratiyogita kiran monthly magazine online purchase  Mediators  Appointed by parties by agreement or a mediation service provider (an institution administering mediation). Mediation Council of India (MCI)  Established by Central government consist of a chairperson two fulltime members three exofficio members and a parttime member from an industry body pratiyogita kiran monthly magazine subscription.

Monday 10 October 2022

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Sunday 9 October 2022

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Saturday 8 October 2022

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