banking service chronicle

banking service chronicle
banking service chronicle

Tuesday 25 October 2022

magazine with interviews of toppers


pratiyogita kiran monthly magazine SIMPLIFICATION OF PROCEDURE AND REMOVAL OF DELAYIn respect of ten minerals in Part C of First Schedule (like iron ore manganese bauxite copper gold etc.) State Government needed to obtain the prior approval of the Central Government before grant of mineral concession. pratiyogita kiran monthly magazine online purchase The amendment removes the need for such prior approval from the Central Government.The Ordinance also provides that the tenure of any Mining Lease would now be 50 years in place of 30 years in the existing Act.The ordinance removes the concept of renewal of leases and after the end of the lease period leases will be auctioned.Central government has been given powers to intervene where state governments do not pass orders within prescribed timelines. This will eliminate delay pratiyogita kiran monthly magazine subscription

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